Property ‘pipe’ does not exist on type ‘readablestream

When you encounter the error message “property ‘pipe’ does not exist on type ‘readablestream<uint8array>’,” it means that the TypeScript compiler is complaining about a missing property called ‘pipe’ on a variable of type ‘readablestream<uint8array>’.

In Node.js, the ‘readablestream<uint8array>’ type is used to represent a readable stream of binary data in the form of Uint8Array chunks. This type does not inherently have a ‘pipe’ property as found in other stream types like ‘ReadableStream’ or ‘Stream’.

The ‘pipe’ method is commonly used to connect the readable stream to a writable stream, allowing data to flow from one stream to another automatically. Since ‘readablestream<uint8array>’ does not have a built-in ‘pipe’ method, attempting to call it will result in a compilation error.

To solve this error, you have a few possible options:

  1. Use a different stream type: If possible, consider using a different stream type that supports the ‘pipe’ method, such as ‘ReadableStream’ or ‘Stream’. These stream types provide a more convenient way to handle stream chaining and data transfer between streams using the ‘pipe’ method.
  2. Implement your own ‘pipe’ functionality: If you are working with ‘readablestream<uint8array>’ and need to connect it to a writable stream, you can manually implement the piping functionality. This involves handling the data events from the readable stream and writing the data to the writable stream. Here’s an example:

    const readableStream = getReadableStream();
    const writableStream = getWritableStream();
    readableStream.on('data', (chunk) => {
    readableStream.on('end', () => {

    In this example, ‘getReadableStream()’ and ‘getWritableStream()’ are functions that should be replaced with your own implementations to obtain the respective streams. The ‘data’ event handler writes each chunk of data received from the readable stream to the writable stream. Finally, when the readable stream ends, we call the ‘end()’ method on the writable stream to complete the writing process.

  3. Consider using a utility library: If you find yourself needing to pipe streams frequently or dealing with various types of streams, using a utility library like ‘stream.pipeline’ from the ‘stream’ module can simplify the process. This utility method handles stream piping and error handling automatically. Here’s an example:

    const stream = require('stream');
    const readableStream = getReadableStream();
    const writableStream = getWritableStream();
    stream.pipeline(readableStream, writableStream, (error) => {
      if (error) {
        console.error('Pipeline encountered an error:', error);
      } else {
        console.log('Pipeline completed successfully.');

    In this example, ‘getReadableStream()’ and ‘getWritableStream()’ should be replaced with your custom functions to obtain the respective streams. The ‘stream.pipeline’ method takes the readable and writable streams as arguments, and it automatically handles the piping process. The optional callback function allows you to handle any errors that occur during the piping operation.

By following one of these approaches, you can resolve the error and successfully connect your ‘readablestream<uint8array>’ to a writable stream.

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