Property ‘google’ does not exist on type ‘window & typeof globalthis’.

The error message “property ‘google’ does not exist on type ‘window & typeof globalthis'” occurs when you are trying to access a property called ‘google’ on the ‘window’ object or ‘globalThis’ object, but the property does not exist or is not recognized by the TypeScript compiler.

The TypeScript compiler performs static type checking to catch potential errors at compile-time. In this case, it detects that the ‘google’ property is not declared on the ‘window’ or ‘globalThis’ object, leading to the error message.

To resolve this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Check if the property is spelled correctly and verify that it exists on the object you are trying to access. For example, if you are expecting the ‘google’ property to be present on the ‘window’ object, ensure that it exists and is properly referenced.
  2. Use type assertions to override the TypeScript compiler’s type checking. This is useful when you are confident that the property exists but TypeScript is unable to infer it. Here’s an example:

              const googleMap = (window as any).google?.maps.Map;

    In the above example, we assert that ‘window’ is of type ‘any’ to bypass the type checking and access the ‘google’ property. Note the usage of optional chaining (?.) to handle cases where ‘google’ might be undefined.

  3. If you are using external libraries or frameworks, ensure that you have the appropriate type definitions installed. TypeScript relies on type definitions to understand the shape of external code. Check if the library has an official TypeScript declaration file or consider installing community-provided type definitions via npm.

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