Property cannot be declared public because its type uses an internal type

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Issue: Property Cannot Be Declared Public

In some programming languages, a property cannot be declared as public when its type uses an internal type.


When a property is declared as public, it means that it can be accessed from outside the class or structure. However, if the type of that property uses an internal type, which is a type accessible only within the same assembly or module, it leads to an error or compilation issue.


Let’s consider an example in a programming language like C#:

      using System;
      public class MyClass
          internal int myInternalProperty { get; set; }
          public static void Main()
              MyClass obj = new MyClass();
              obj.myInternalProperty = 10; // Compilation error: 'myInternalProperty' cannot be accessed from outside the assembly or module.

In this example, we have a class named `MyClass` with an internal property `myInternalProperty` of type `int`. We are trying to access this property from outside the class in the `Main` method. However, since the property is internal, it can only be accessed within the same assembly or module. Hence, it leads to a compilation error.

To resolve this issue, you can either change the accessibility level of the property to be public or change the type of the property to a type that is accessible outside the assembly.


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