[Answered ]-Proper way to manage fixtures in django



If you think about the cleanest way to define test data for your tests, I would like to recommend you read about django-any application:

django-any the explicit replacement for old-style, big and error-prone
implicit fixture files.

django-any allows to specify only fields important for test, and fill
rest by random with acceptable values.

It makes tests clean and easy to undestood, without reading fixture

from django_any import any_model, WithTestDataSeed

class TestMyShop(TestCase):
    def test_order_updates_user_account(self):
        account = any_model(Account, amount=25, user__is_active=True)
        order = any_model(Order, user=account.user, amount=10)

        account = Account.objects.get(pk=account.pk)
        self.assertEquals(15, account.amount)

The same approach available for forms also (django_any.any_form)

This solution is helpful for avoiding to keep extra data in you DB while your tests are executing.

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