Projection type must be an interface

Projection Type Must be an Interface

When dealing with projections in programming languages like TypeScript or C#, it is often recommended to use interfaces as the projection type. Using interfaces provides a clear contract for the shape of the projected object and allows for better type safety and code maintainability.


When performing projections, we are transforming data from one shape to another. This is commonly done when querying a database or any data source and we want to retrieve only a subset of the available fields or transform the data in some way.

Using an interface as the projection type allows us to define the specific shape of the projected object. This provides clarity on what fields are available and their respective types. It also helps to catch any errors or inconsistencies during compile-time rather than at runtime, resulting in safer and more reliable code.


Let’s consider an example where we have a database of users with the following fields:

  • id: number
  • name: string
  • email: string
  • age: number
  • address: string

If we want to query only the id and name fields of the users, we can define an interface called UserProjection:

interface UserProjection {
    id: number;
    name: string;

const users: UserProjection[] = getUsers(); // some function to retrieve users

users.forEach(user => {
    console.log(,; // using the projected fields

In the above example, by using the UserProjection interface, we explicitly specify that we are only interested in the id and name fields of the users. Any attempt to access other fields or use a different projection type with incompatible fields will be caught during compilation, helping us identify and fix any issues early on.

Overall, using interfaces as projection types provides better code organization, type safety, and helps to avoid potential errors. It improves readability and maintainability of the code, making it easier for developers to understand and work with.

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