You should look into Fabric for easy deployment. I haven’t used it myself, but I’ve heard good things.
I’ve also had good success quickly and easily setting up servers using Gunicorn with Nginx as a reverse-proxy.
As others have said, using virtualenv, with pip, can quickly
get all your dependencies installed via requirements.txt (from virtualenv).
Some of these blog posts may help:
- Tools of the modern Python hacker – virtualenv, pip, fabric
- Basic Django Deployment – virtualenv, pip, fabric, rsync
- Easy Django Deployment – very quick nginx and gunicorn setup
As I reread your post I saw your last bullet point/question. Django is designed to be loosely coupled, meaning that there shouldn’t (in most cases) be reasons that one app is dependant on sqlite vs mysql. If you don’t need to save the data in the db, changing to MySQL is as easy as starting a mysql server on your machine, and changing the settings.py of your django project. This SO question may help