Process finished with exit code 0 spring boot

Query: Process Finished with Exit Code 0 in Spring Boot

When executing a Spring Boot application, the “Process finished with exit code 0” message indicates that the application has terminated successfully without any errors.

This exit code is a standard convention used by most operating systems and programming languages, where a value of 0 represents successful termination.

In the context of a Spring Boot application, this message usually appears in the console or log after running the application.


Suppose you have a Spring Boot application that starts a web server on port 8080 and prints a message to the console. When you run this application, you might see the following output:

      2022-01-01 12:00:00.123 INFO  com.example.Application - Started Application in 2.345 seconds (JVM running for 3.456)
      Process finished with exit code 0

In this example, the application started successfully, and the “Process finished with exit code 0” message indicates that the application terminated without any errors.

This is the expected behavior for a Spring Boot application, and it indicates that everything ran correctly.

If you encounter a different exit code or an error message after running your Spring Boot application, it may indicate a problem or an exception that occurred during the application’s execution.

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