[Fixed]-Problems with migrations


You should not be generating the list leader in the module. Apart from problems with running migrations, the list will be generated only once when the server starts, and will not be updated when new sponsors are added to the database.

You could wrap the code in a function, for example:

def get_leader():
    sponsor_list = Sponsor.objects.all()
    for value in sponsor_list:
        current_leader = value.name+' '+value.surname+' '+value.middle+' ('+str(value.code_number)+')'
     return leader

Since you have moved the sponsor_list variable inside the get_leader method, you’ll have to update you sponsor field, e.g change it to:

sponsor = forms.ModelChoiceField(label='Спонсор',queryset=Sponsor.objects.all(), empty_label='---', widget=forms.Select(attrs={'class':'ftrmail'}))

Then change your code that uses leader to call get_leader().

You might need to make further changes – since you haven’t shown where you use the leader variable it’s not possible to say.

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