[Django]-Problems extend change_form.html in django admin



change_form.html contains the following url tag:

{% url 'admin:app_list' app_label=opts.app_label %}

So you should pass the opts variable to the template context:

data = {'test': 'test',
        'opts': MyModel._meta}

UPDATE: The change_form.html template uses the {% submit_row %} template tag which requires some other context variables so the data dictionary should be like this:

data = {'test': 'test',
        'opts': MyModel._meta,    
        'change': True,
        'is_popup': False,
        'save_as': False,
        'has_delete_permission': False,
        'has_add_permission': False,
        'has_change_permission': False}


This is caused most likely because you have a {% url %} tag that is trying to link to the app_list. It could be in your admin/form_change.html or in some other included/extended template.

This is usually caused by context that is not passed correctly such as if you have a tag that looks like {% url 'app_list' %} or {% url 'app_list' var %} and the var is empty.


I know it is late answer but for those who is struggle with that now like me, it is because of {% for fieldset in adminform %} adminform – is a form passed as context in change_form.html, however I currently have no idea how to pass it in my extension… Appreciate any comments.

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