Looks like you added slug
to model AFTER run syncdb
and BEFORE run convert_to_south
. Specifically about your case south’s developer displays a warning message in the console:
Note that South assumed the application’s models matched the
database(i.e. you haven’t changed it since last syncdb); if you have,
you should delete the albums/migrations directory, revert models.py so
it matches the database, and try again.
For fixing your problem, you should:
- Drop SlugField from Album (looks in your console output you should drop artist too)
- Drop migrations folder from albums app
- Run ./manage.py convert_to_south albums
- Run ./manage.py migrate albums
- Add SlugField
- Run ./manage.py schemamigration albums –auto(Specify default value as ”)
- Run ./manage.py migrate albums
- Profit!
👤Alex Lisovoy