Ok I fixed the problems with sending the data.
It was my fault.
I will copy the Chris answer. That worked.
When you call this.createEori(eoriData);
, eoriData is undefined. It doesn’t exist. Use this.createEori();
instead, and in the createEori function, remove the parameter and add var eoriData = {};
as first line. (note this is very basic javascript, how functions and variables work, and completely unrelated to Vue or server requests)
I think it would be better practice to only call one function from the HTML. Something like this:
<span class="logInBTN" v-on:click="submit(model)">Save</span>
submit(model) {
if (this.validateForm(model) == true)
// submission process here (maybe call function2())
validateForm(model) {
if (this.model.codePerson == ''){
document.getElementById('codePerson').style.borderColor = "red";
this.errors.push("Choose a type!\n");
return false;
document.getElementById('codePerson').style.borderColor = "#CCCCCC";
return true;
handleFalseValidation() {
alert("Form validation:\n" + this.errors.join(""));