Thanks to the pointers from Daniel and Roy J, I was able to resolve this reasonably cleanly by adding a method to loop through the incoming fields and update the entries object accordingly.
getForm() {
const vm = this
.post('/path/to/gf/api', {
id: vm.formId,
.then(result => {
vm.form = result.data
vm.fields = result.data.fields
.catch(err => {
getRadios() {
let radios = this.fields.filter(field => field.type == 'radio')
radios.forEach(radio => {
let selected = radio.choices.find(
choice => choice.isSelected == true
this.entries[`input_${radio.id}`] = selected.value
I also added
on the template, along with the v-model as before.
If you’re not using entries
for anything else, you don’t need it at all. You don’t need to v-model
, you just want to set checked
, which is pretty straightforward:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
fields: []
methods: {
fetchData() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.fields = [
id: 1,
type: 'radio',
choices: [
isSelected: false,
value: 1,
text: 'one'
isSelected: true,
value: 2,
text: 'two'
id: 2,
type: 'radio',
choices: [
isSelected: true,
value: 1,
text: 'three'
isSelected: false,
value: 2,
text: 'four'
}, 500);
created() {
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@latest/dist/vue.js"></script>
<form id="app">
<div v-for="field in fields" :key="field.id" :class="`field field__${field.type}`">
<div v-for="(choice, index) in field.choices" :key="choice.value">
<input type="radio" :id="`gf_${index}_${field.id}`" :name="`input_${field.id}`" :value="choice.value" :checked="choice.isSelected">
<label :for="`gf_${index}_${field.id}`">{{ choice.text }}</label>