Powershell xml to string

Converting PowerShell XML to String

In PowerShell, you can easily convert XML data to a string using the OuterXml property of an XML object. The OuterXml property returns the XML representation of the object, including all the tags and attributes.

Here’s an example:

$xmlString = @"
  <element attribute="value">Some text</element>

# Create an XML object from the string
$xml = [xml]$xmlString

# Convert the XML object to a string
$convertedString = $xml.OuterXml

# Output the converted string
Write-Host $convertedString

In this example, we have a sample XML string stored in the $xmlString variable. We then use the [xml] type accelerator to create an XML object from the string. Finally, we access the OuterXml property of the XML object and store the converted string in the $convertedString variable. The converted string is then displayed using the Write-Host cmdlet.

The output will be:

  <element attribute="value">Some text</element>

As you can see, the OuterXml property provides the entire XML content as a string, including the root element and all its child elements.

You can manipulate the XML object and access specific elements or attributes before converting it to a string using OuterXml. This allows you to perform various operations on the XML data within your PowerShell script.

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