Powershell methodinvocationexception

PowerShell MethodInvocationException

The PowerShell MethodInvocationException is an exception that occurs when there is an error while invoking a method in PowerShell. This exception is usually thrown when there is an issue with the method call or the method itself.


try {
    # Call a method that does not exist
    $result = Invoke-MethodThatDoesNotExist
catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
    # Handle the exception
    Write-Host "Error invoking method: $($_.Exception.Message)"

In the example above, an attempt is made to invoke a method named “Invoke-MethodThatDoesNotExist” which does not actually exist. This will cause a MethodInvocationException to be thrown. The catch block then handles the exception and displays an error message including the exception message.

It’s important to catch this specific exception type when dealing with method invocation errors in PowerShell, as it provides more specific information about the issue compared to a generic exception.

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