Powershell get-childitem multiple filters

Powershell Get-ChildItem with Multiple Filters

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet in PowerShell allows you to retrieve a list of files and directories in a given path. You can apply multiple filters to narrow down the result set based on various criteria.


Get-ChildItem -Path <path> -Filter <filter1> -Filter <filter2> ...


Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Folder" -Filter "*.txt" -Filter "*test*"

In the above example, we use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to find files in the “C:\Folder” directory with two filters. The first filter “*.txt” retrieves all files with the .txt extension, and the second filter “*test*” returns files containing “test” in their names.

Here are some important points to consider:

  • You can use multiple -Filter parameters to add more filters.
  • Each filter can include wildcards, such as ‘*’, ‘?’, or ‘[abc]’.
  • If you need to combine multiple filters using logical operators like AND or OR, use the Where-Object cmdlet.
  • The Get-ChildItem cmdlet can be used with various other parameters and options to further refine the search, such as -Recurse to search in subdirectories or -File to filter only files (excluding directories).

By using multiple filters, you can efficiently narrow down the files and directories you are searching for in PowerShell.

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