[Fixed]-Posting a foreign key relationship in Django Rest Framework


This is from your serializer.

     topic = TopicSerializer(read_only=True)

It means your topic is read only so when you are trying to save your serializer, topic is not getting saved. Remove that and problem would be fixed.


Now as per the second error, it is because it is expecting a dict and you are passing the model instance, so you have two options. Either create the dict by hand.

topic_dict = { "name": topic.name }

and pass that as ‘topic’ in request.data and then save or give the topic_id, as there is a foreign key relationship, it should work.

So it would be something like:

request.data["topic_id"] = topic.id

Now what you choose to do is totally upto you.


Resurrecting this old thread since it seems to be a common issue people are running into. I just got this working on Django 3.1.6.

Since the Topic and Content models are already linked, the serializer is simply

class ContentSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Content
        fields = ('title', 'body', 'topic')

No need for topic = TopicSerializer(read_only=False), which will require you to create a new topic with the POST. Now, the body of the POST can be

    "title": "My blog post",
    "body" : ".....",
    "topic": 3

If you want your GET output to look like

    "title": "My blog post",
    "body" : ".....",
    "topic": {
        "id": 3
        "name": "announcements"

override to_representation

class ContentSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Content
        fields = ('title', 'body', 'topic')

    def to_representation(self, instance):
        response = super().to_representation(instance)
        response['topic'] = TopicSerializer(instance.topic).data
        return response

Credit for proper usage of to_representation goes to this answer by @PdotNJ

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