If the game resource look like:
class GameResource(ModelResource):
activities = fields.ToManyField(ActivityResource, 'activities', full=True)
Following the note in tastypie documentation:
Tastypie encourages “round-trippable” data, which means the data you can GET should be able to be POST/PUT’d back to recreate the same object.
If you’re ever in question about what you should send, do a GET on another object & see what Tastypie thinks it should look like.
You will be able to create all in one batch.
use related name for the fields which accepts the creation of related objects
Used to help automatically populate reverse relations when creating data. Defaults to None.
In order for this option to work correctly, there must be a field on the other Resource with this as an attribute/instance_name. Usually this just means adding a reflecting ToOneField pointing back.
class EntryResource(ModelResource): authors = fields.ToManyField('path.to.api.resources.AuthorResource', 'author_set', related_name='entry')
class Meta:
queryset = Entry.objects.all()
resource_name = 'entry'
class AuthorResource(ModelResource):
entry = fields.ToOneField(EntryResource, 'entry')
class Meta:
queryset = Author.objects.all()
resource_name = 'author'
Use of related_name do the task. it maps the objects of related fields and automatically populates the relations when creating data.
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See the documentation section entitled Bulk Operations. It begins:
As an optimization, it is possible to do many creations, updates, and deletions to a collection in a single request by sending a PATCH to the list endpoint.
And here’s their example:
curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH --data '{"objects": [{"body": "Surprise! Another post!.", "pub_date": "2012-02-16T00:46:38", "slug": "yet-another-post", "title": "Yet Another Post"}], "deleted_objects": ["http://localhost:8000/api/v1/entry/4/"]}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/entry/
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You can create resource for activity and use fields.ToManyField:
This will add urls to activity resources. To fully inline data for activities just pass (full=True, full_list=True) as arguments to ToManyField:
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