Positional parameter [1] is not registered with this procedure call

Error: Positional parameter [1] is not registered with this procedure call

This error message indicates that the procedure call you are making is expecting a parameter at position 1, but you haven’t provided a value for it.

When calling a procedure, you need to pass the required parameters in the correct order. If the procedure expects multiple parameters, they are usually numbered or given names to differentiate them.

Here’s an example to help clarify the issue:

// Procedure definition
CREATE PROCEDURE exampleProcedure @param1 INT, @param2 VARCHAR(50)
    -- Procedure logic goes here

-- Calling the procedure without providing a value for @param1
EXEC exampleProcedure 'some value', 'another value';

In the above example, the procedure exampleProcedure expects two parameters: @param1 of type INT and @param2 of type VARCHAR(50). However, when calling the procedure, we passed a string value instead of an integer for @param1. This causes the error because the procedure is expecting an integer value at position 1.

To fix this error, make sure you provide the correct data type and order of parameters when making the procedure call.

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