
The PoolAcquirePendingLimitException is an exception that can occur in a connection pool when the maximum number of pending acquire requests is reached. This exception indicates that there are more acquire requests for connections than the pool can handle at that moment.

Connection pools are used to manage a set of reusable database connections. They allow multiple clients to share and reuse these connections, reducing the overhead of creating and closing connections for every database operation.

When a client requests a connection from the pool, it may have to wait if all connections are currently in use. The pool keeps track of how many acquire requests are waiting and has a limit on how many pending requests it can handle. If this limit is reached, the PoolAcquirePendingLimitException is thrown to indicate that the pool cannot accept any more acquire requests at the moment.

This exception can occur in situations where there is a sudden spike in connection requests, overwhelming the pool’s capacity. It can also occur if there is a bottleneck in the pool’s processing of acquire requests. In either case, it signifies that the application should handle the situation by either retrying the request later or increasing the pool’s capacity.


try {
    Connection connection = connectionPool.acquireConnection();
    // Use the connection for database operations
    // ...
} catch (PoolAcquirePendingLimitException e) {
    // Handle the exception accordingly
    // e.g. retry the acquire request later or increase pool capacity

In the above example, we attempt to acquire a connection from a connection pool. If the pool’s maximum pending acquire limit has been reached, a PoolAcquirePendingLimitException is thrown. This exception can be caught and appropriate actions can be taken based on the application’s requirements.

It is important to handle this exception gracefully in order to prevent application crashes or performance degradation. Strategies like exponential backoff and increasing the pool’s capacity can be employed to alleviate this issue.

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