Plugin with name port not found. step name: port

The error message “plugin with name port not found” indicates that the plugin named “port” cannot be found or is not installed in the current environment. This error commonly occurs when you are trying to use a plugin that is not included or supported in your project or development setup.

To resolve this issue, there are a few steps you can take:

  1. Check plugin installation: First, ensure that the plugin named “port” is properly installed in your project. Verify that it is included in your dependencies or plugins section of your build configuration files.
  2. Confirm plugin compatibility: Make sure that the version of the “port” plugin is compatible with the version of the project or framework you are using. Incompatible versions can lead to plugin not found errors.
  3. Verify plugin usage: Double-check that you are using the correct syntax and configuration to utilize the “port” plugin in your code. Refer to the plugin’s documentation or examples for proper usage instructions.

Here is an example of an HTML code snippet using the “port” plugin:

            <!-- Include the necessary plugin scripts -->
            <script src="path/to/port-plugin.js"></script>
            <!-- Use the plugin's functionality in your code -->
                // Initialize the plugin
                const portPlugin = new PortPlugin();
                // Call a method from the plugin

Make sure to replace “path/to/port-plugin.js” with the actual path to the plugin file in your project.

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