Plugin “react-hooks” was conflicted between

The issue with conflicting plugins can be resolved by following these steps:

  1. Identify the conflicting plugins. In this case, the conflicting plugins are “pluginA” and “pluginB”.
  2. Check if both plugins are necessary for your project. If one of them is not crucial, consider removing it to avoid conflicts.
  3. If both plugins are necessary, ensure that they are compatible with each other. Review their documentation or community support resources to check if anyone else has faced similar conflicts and if there are any known workarounds.
  4. If there are no known workarounds, you can try one of the following options:

    • Search for alternative plugins that offer similar functionality without causing conflicts. For example, if “pluginA” conflicts with “react-hooks”, you may find another plugin that provides similar React hooks functionality but does not conflict with “pluginA”.
    • Contact the developers or maintainers of the conflicting plugins and explain the issue. They might provide guidance or release updates that address the conflict.

It’s important to note that resolving plugin conflicts can be a trial-and-error process, and sometimes the conflicts may not have a straightforward solution. In such cases, it might be necessary to find alternative plugins or rethink the use of certain features.

Here’s an example to illustrate the concept:

    <script src="pluginA.js"></script>
    <script src="react-hooks.js"></script>
    <script src="pluginB.js"></script>

    <!-- Rest of your HTML -->

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