[Vuejs]-Please help me rewrite or add right condition to the Vue js code


try this.

if (coll.cellData.name === 'account') {
  individualData = {
    isSearch: true,
    account_name: object.name,
    shops: connectedShops.flatmap(shop => {
      if(!object.accounts.find(acc => acc.shop_id === shop.id)) return [];
      else return {
        shop_name: shop.name,
        shop_id: shop.id,
        currency_code: shop.currency.name,
        account: object.accounts.find(acc => acc.shop_id === shop.id)

if object.accounts.find(acc => acc.shop_id === shop.id) return undefined meaning it can’t find shop_id in object.accounts, then we return empty array.


You can achieve this requirement by test if all the account values are empty or not with the help of Array.some() method.

Live Demo :

const obj = {
    accounts: [{
    shop_id: 1
  }, {
    shop_id: 2
  }, {
    shop_id: 4
  }, {
    shop_id: 5

const connectedShops = [{
    name: 'Shop A',
  id: 1,
  currency: {
    name: 'INR'
}, {
    name: 'Shop B',
  id: 3,
  currency: {
    name: 'USD'

const shops = connectedShops.map(shop => {
    return obj.accounts.some(({ shop_id }) => shop_id === shop.id) ? {
    account: obj.accounts.find(({shop_id}) => shop_id === shop.id)
  } : []


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