Playwright python wait for selector

Playwright Python – wait for selector

In Playwright Python, you can use the waitForSelector() method to wait for a specific selector to appear in the DOM before continuing with the script execution. This is useful when you need to interact with elements that are loaded dynamically or take some time to appear on the page.


    page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])


  • selector: CSS selector to wait for.
  • options (optional): Additional options to customize the behavior of the waiting.


Example 1:

In this example, we’ll wait for the element with the ID “myElement” to appear on the page.

    await page.waitForSelector("#myElement")

Example 2:

You can also specify additional options to customize the waiting behavior. For example, you can set a timeout for how long you want to wait for the selector to appear.

    await page.waitForSelector(".myElement", {"timeout": 5000})

Example 3:

If you want to wait for multiple selectors to appear, you can use an array of selectors as the parameter.

    await page.waitForSelector(["#element1", ".element2", "button.element3"])

Example 4:

You can also use the waitFor() method to wait for a specific condition to be satisfied, instead of waiting for a selector to appear.

    await page.waitFor(lambda: page.title() == "My Page")

These are just a few examples of how you can use the waitForSelector() method in Playwright Python. It allows you to synchronize your script execution with the page’s content dynamically.

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