

The pj_thread_register() function is used in the pjsip library to register a new thread with the library’s thread management system. This function is typically used when you have created a new thread that you want the pjsip library to be aware of and manage.

When you call pj_thread_register(), you need to provide a pointer to a pj_thread_desc structure, which contains information about the thread you want to register. The pj_thread_desc structure includes the following fields:

  • callback: A function pointer to the main function of the thread.
  • arg: An argument to be passed to the thread’s main function.
  • stack_size: The size of the thread’s stack in bytes.
  • flags: Optional flags to control the behavior of the thread.
  • thread: A pointer to a pj_thread_t structure, where the thread handle will be stored.
  • name: An optional name for the thread.

Here is an example of how you can use pj_thread_register() to register a new thread:


void my_thread_main(void *arg) {
    // Thread logic goes here

int main() {
    pj_caching_pool cp;
    pj_thread_desc desc;
    pj_thread_t *thread;
    // Initialize the PJLIB
    // Create memory pool for the thread
    pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, NULL, 0);
    // Set up the thread descriptor
    desc.callback = &my_thread_main;
    desc.arg = NULL;
    desc.stack_size = PJ_THREAD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
    desc.flags = 0;
    desc.thread = NULL;
    desc.name = "my_thread";
    // Register the thread
    pj_thread_register(NULL, desc, &thread);
    // Start the PJLIB event loop
    // Cleanup
    return 0;

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