[Django]-PIP cannot install Django inside VIrtualenv



As an alternative to wim’s answer, if you can’t upgrade your Python version for whatever reason, you can install Django 1.11 which is still compatible with Python 2.7:

pip install 'django<2.0'


Make sure your Python version in the virtualenv is Python 3.4+.

Django 2.0 only supports Python 3.4+, and functools.lru_cache is only available in 3.2+.

To check the Python version in your current virtualenv:

python --version

To create a new virtualenv with python 3:

python3 -m venv venv --prompt=myenv


This error is because of wrong picking of pip and python version . You can solve it by adding below lines in the ~/.bash_profile

  alias python='python3'
  alias pip='pip3.6' 

After that close the terminal and run the following command to install Django

  pip install Django==2.0


For latest version of Django, python 3 is required, thus try installing

pip install django==1.11

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