Phpspreadsheet insert image

Here is an example of how you can format the answer as HTML content in a `

` tag:


Query: phpspreadsheet insert image


Yes, you can insert images using the PhpSpreadsheet library in PHP. The library provides a way to add images to the worksheets.

Here is an example of how to insert an image using PhpSpreadsheet:

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Drawing;
   // Create a new PhpSpreadsheet object
   $spreadsheet = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet();
   // Select the worksheet
   $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
   // Load the image file
   $imagePath = 'path/to/image.jpg';
   $drawing = new Drawing();
   // Set the width and height of the image
   // Add the image to the worksheet
   // Save the spreadsheet
   $writer = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx($spreadsheet);

This example creates a new PhpSpreadsheet object, selects the active worksheet, and loads an image file using the `Drawing` class. It then sets the coordinates, width, and height of the image, and adds it to the worksheet using the `addDrawing` method.

Finally, the spreadsheet is saved using the `Xlsx` writer.


In the above example, I have used `

` to enclose the contents of the answer. Each paragraph is represented by a `

` tag, and the code example is enclosed in a `

` block for better readability. You can add CSS classes or styles to customize the appearance of the content as per your requirement.

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