Pg_dump password environment variable

pg_dump Password Environment Variable

In PostgreSQL, the pg_dump utility is used to create backups of databases. By default, pg_dump prompts for a password when connecting to the database. However, you can avoid entering the password manually by using the PGPASSWORD environment variable.

When the pg_dump utility is executed, it checks for the PGPASSWORD environment variable. If the variable is set, it will use the provided value as the password for the database connection. This allows you to automate backup processes without human intervention.

Here is an example of how you can use the PGPASSWORD environment variable with pg_dump:

$ export PGPASSWORD=your_password
$ pg_dump -U username -h hostname -d database_name > backup.sql

In this example, we first set the PGPASSWORD environment variable to the password of the database user. Then, we execute the pg_dump command with the appropriate options (replace username, hostname, and database_name with the actual values). The output of the backup is redirected to a file named backup.sql.

It is important to note that setting the password in the environment variable exposes it to anyone who can view the environment variables of the running process. Therefore, it is recommended to protect the environment variable’s visibility and access permissions.

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