Performing an update on the path ‘_id’ would modify the immutable field ‘_id’

When performing an update on the path ‘_id’ in a document, you will encounter an error stating that you are modifying an immutable field ‘_id’. This error occurs because the ‘_id’ field is automatically generated by the database when a document is inserted, and it is considered immutable by default. In other words, you cannot directly update or modify the ‘_id’ field value once it has been set.

The primary purpose of the ‘_id’ field is to serve as a unique identifier for each document in a collection. It ensures the uniqueness and helps in quickly finding and retrieving specific documents.

If you need to update the value of the ‘_id’ field, you would typically need to delete and re-insert the document with the new ‘_id’ value. However, it is generally not recommended to update this field as it could impact the integrity and indexing of your database.

Below is an example of how to update a field other than ‘_id’ in a document:

        { _id: ObjectId("YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID") },
        { $set: { fieldToUpdate: "new value" } }

In this example, we are using the MongoDB update method to update the field ‘fieldToUpdate’ with a new value.

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