Pd.read_sql timeout

pd.read_sql timeout

The pd.read_sql function is a part of the Pandas library in Python, which is used to read SQL queries or table data into a DataFrame. The timeout parameter in pd.read_sql is used to specify a maximum time in seconds for the SQL query execution. If the query takes longer than the specified timeout value, a timeout exception will be raised.

Here is an example to illustrate the usage of the timeout parameter:

import pandas as pd
import sqlite3

# Establish a connection to the SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

# Create a DataFrame from an SQL query with a timeout of 5 seconds
df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM my_table', conn, timeout=5)

# Close the database connection


In this example, we establish a connection to an SQLite database using the sqlite3.connect function. Then, we use pd.read_sql to execute an SQL query that selects all records from a table called my_table. We set the timeout parameter to 5 seconds, which means if the query execution time exceeds 5 seconds, a timeout exception will be raised.

Note that the actual behavior of the timeout parameter depends on the database driver or backend being used. Different database systems may handle timeouts differently, so it is important to consult the documentation specific to the database being used.

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