
The pathappendw function is used to append a specified path to an existing path, resulting in a combined path. This function is commonly used in file systems or when dealing with file paths in general. The function takes two parameters: the base path and the path to be appended.

Here’s an example to illustrate how the pathappendw function works:

      let basePath = "C:/Program Files/";
      let appendedPath = "MyApp/bin/";
      let combinedPath = pathappendw(basePath, appendedPath);
      console.log(combinedPath); // Output: C:/Program Files/MyApp/bin/

In the example above, the base path is “C:/Program Files/” and the path to be appended is “MyApp/bin/”. The pathappendw function combines these two paths to give “C:/Program Files/MyApp/bin/” as the result.

It’s important to note that the pathappendw function does not perform any validation or correction on the paths. It simply appends the second path to the first one, without checking if the resulting path is valid or exists.

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