Patchvalue in angular not working


When patchValue in Angular is not working, it could be due to various reasons. Let’s discuss some of the common issues and provide examples to explain the solutions:

1. Incorrect Key Names or Missing Keys:

If the keys provided in the patchValue function do not match the ones defined in the form group or if some keys are missing, patchValue will not work as expected. Ensure that the keys are correct and all necessary keys are included.

// Example
  name: 'John Smith',  // Correct key: 'name'
  age: 25,  // Incorrect key: 'age' instead of 'ageGroup.age'
  gender: 'Male'  // Missing key: 'gender'

2. Nested Form Groups or Form Arrays:

If your form contains nested form groups or form arrays, you need to provide the values accordingly. Use dot notation to access nested form groups and square brackets to access form array controls.

// Example
  personalDetails: {
    name: 'John Smith',
    ageGroup: {
      age: 25  // Correct nested keys
  addresses: [
      street: '123 Main St',
      city: 'New York'

3. FormControl vs. FormArray:

It’s important to understand the difference between a FormControl and a FormArray. If you are trying to patch values to a FormArray, make sure you provide an array of FormControls or FormGroups as required.

// Example
const formArray = new FormArray([
  new FormControl('John'),
  new FormControl('Smith')
formArray.patchValue(['Jane', 'Doe']);  // Correctly patching values to FormArray

4. Asynchronous Operations:

If you are performing any asynchronous operations before calling patchValue, ensure that the formGroup is initialized and the patchValue function is called within the appropriate context. You can wrap the patchValue call inside a setTimeout or utilize async/await to handle async operations.

// Example using async/await
async someAsyncFunction() {
  await this.someService.getData();  // Asynchronous operation
    name: 'John Smith',
    age: 25

By considering these common issues and applying the appropriate fixes, you should be able to make patchValue work correctly in your Angular application.


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