Passwordsigninasync return failure

PasswordSignInAsync – Return Failure

PasswordSignInAsync is a method in most authentication libraries and frameworks that allows users to sign in to a website or application using a password. It returns a result indicating whether the sign-in was successful or not.

Failure Reasons

There can be various reasons for the PasswordSignInAsync method to return failure. Some of the common failure reasons are:

  1. Invalid Credentials: If the provided username or password is incorrect, the sign-in attempt will fail.
  2. Account Lockout: Some authentication systems have account lockout mechanisms. If the user exceeds the maximum number of failed sign-in attempts, their account may be temporarily locked, resulting in a failure.
  3. Expired or Disabled Account: If the user’s account has expired or is disabled for any reason, the sign-in attempt will fail.
  4. Incorrect Configuration: Improper configuration of the authentication system or missing required settings can lead to sign-in failures.
  5. Server Errors: In some cases, server-side errors or exceptions may occur during the sign-in process, resulting in a failure.


Let’s consider an example where we use the PasswordSignInAsync method in ASP.NET Core:

public async Task Login(LoginViewModel model)
    // Perform validation and other necessary checks
    var result = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Username, model.Password, model.RememberMe, lockoutOnFailure: false);
    if (result.Succeeded)
        // Sign-in successful, redirect to homepage or intended page
        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
    if (result.IsLockedOut)
        // Account is locked, display appropriate message or take necessary action
        return View("AccountLocked");
        // Invalid credentials or other failure reason, display error message
        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Invalid login attempt.");
        return View(model);

In the example above, the PasswordSignInAsync method is called with the provided username, password, and remember me option. The result is then checked to determine the outcome of the sign-in attempt.

  • If result.Succeeded is true, it means the sign-in was successful, and the user is redirected to the homepage or the intended page.
  • If result.IsLockedOut is true, it means the user’s account is locked, and the “AccountLocked” view is displayed.
  • If neither result.Succeeded nor result.IsLockedOut is true, it implies an invalid login attempt, and an error message is displayed.

You can customize the behavior or failure messages according to your application requirements.

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