[Fixed]-Passing several arguments for rendering template


You could get the number of students in a group like this:

group = ...  # get a group

n_students = Student_Group.objects.filter(group=group).count()

Then since every Student_Group object has one student, n_students will contain the number of student in the given group.

To send this number to your template you can add it in your context:

def group_list(request):
    groups = Group.objects.all()
    return render(request, 'groups/group_list.html', {'groups': groups, 'n_students': n_students})

You could also see docs for ManyToMany relationships, that could be helpful here.


Take some time to check Python’s naming conventions; your Student_Group should be StudentGroup.

You can create a method in your model to return the number of students in a group:

# models.py
class Group(models.Model):

    # fields

    def get_students_qty(self):
        return self.student_group_set.all().count()
        # Try with self.studentgroup_set.all().count() if the line
        # above does not work

then in your template:

{% for group in groups %}
    <p>{{ group.group_name }}</p>
    <p>{{ group.monitor }}</p>
    <p>{{ group.get_students_qty }}</p>
{% endfor %}

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