[Vuejs]-Passing props dynamically to a component inside a v-for loop



I will help you as much as I understand. You use the mapDialog variable to open the dialogue. But even if this variable is used in v-for, its reference does not change. For this reason, when you want to open a modal, all modals may be opened and the last one may appear because it is the last one opened. Please check the dom.

I think this method can solve the problem.

in script

const meetings  = [
    did: 'some value',
    address: 'some address',
    name: 'some name',
    // add modal flag
    showMapModal: false


      v-for="meeting in meetings"
      class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 q-pa-md q-mx-xl"
      <q-card class="my-card homeCard q-pa-md">
        <q-dialog class="mapDialog flex column" v-model="meeting.showMapModal">

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