[Django]-Passing Params to Django Model Methods



The simple answer is that you can’t do this, which is by design; Django templates are designed to be keep you from writing real code in them. Instead, you’d have to write a custom filter, e.g.

def bar(foo, percent):
    return foo.bar( float(percent) )

This would let you make a call like {{ foo|bar:"250" }} which would be functionally identical to your (non-working example) of {{ foo.bar(250) }}.


By design, Django templates don’t allow you to invoke methods directly so you’d have to create a custom template tag to do what you want.

Jinja2 templates do allow you to invoke methods, so you could look into integrating Jinja2 with Django as another option.

👤A Lee


Just do this calculation in the view, and not the template.

This is often the solution to many “template language can’t do X” problems.


foo = Foo(number=250)
foo.bar = foo.bar(10) 
return direct_to_template(request, "foo.html", {'foo': foo})


{{ foo.bar }}

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