[Answer]-Passing parameter from function to another function in Django


It sounds like you want to access the variable between different requests. There are a few ways of doing this:

  1. Just recalculate m when the user visits the second view. If you do this, you should write a separate function that both view methods call, to get m.
  2. If you want to avoid recalculating m in the second view, you could cache the value of m in the first view, and only recalculate it if it expires. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/cache/
  3. Store the information you need on the session. This is impermanent, as the user’s session will expire. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/sessions/

I think I’d go for 1. to begin with and if you experience any performance issues, switch to 2.

Here’s an example of how to do 1.:

def section_landpins(request):
    queryset = get_landpins_from_request(request)
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(list(queryset)), content_type='application/json')

def create_excel(request):
    queryset = get_landpins_from_request(request)
    # Do rest of processing here
    return response

def get_landpins_from_request(request):
    "Returns queryset of landpins based on GET request."
    # Add processing of request.GET into a queryset here
    return queryset


you can change the code as

def section_landpins(request):
  if request.method == "GET":
    get_id = request.user.id
    pnt = ButuanMaps.objects.get(clandpin='162-03-0001-017-33').geom
    kmdistance = request.GET.get('kmtocity', default=100)
    mysection = request.GET.get('mysection', default='All')
    getarea = request.GET.get('getarea', default=5500000)
    getvalue = request.GET.get('mysoiltype', default=0)
    getvalue1 = request.GET.get('myerosion', default=0)

    args = []
    kwargs = {
        'landproperty__sownerid__id': get_id,
        'geom__distance_lte': (pnt, D(km=kmdistance)),
        'narea__lte': getarea

    if mysection != 'All':
        kwargs['ssectionid__id'] = mysection

    if getvalue != '0':

    if getvalue1 != '0':

    #this queryset below, I want this to be pass to `create_excel` function
    request.m = ButuanMaps.objects.filter(*args, **kwargs).values_list('clandpin')
    return create_excel(request)

 def create_excel(request):
    book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf8')
    sheet = book.add_sheet('untitled')

    default_style = xlwt.Style.default_style
    datetime_style = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm')
    date_style = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='dd/mm/yyyy')

    headers = [f.name for f in SOMEMODELHERE._meta.fields]
    #the required queryset can be accessed this way
    values = request.m
    values = LandProperty.objects.all().values_list()
    values_list = [headers] + list(values)

    for row, rowdata in enumerate(values_list):
       for col, val in enumerate(rowdata):
           if isinstance(val, datetime):
               style = datetime_style
           elif isinstance(val, date):
               style = date_style
               style = default_style
           sheet.write(row, col, val, style=style)

    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/vnd.ms-excel')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=example.xls'
    return response

I think this will work.

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