1 Save the result of the operations carried out on the extracted data in the Django Administration. (N.B: I already know how to save the user input)
Create a model to save the userβs entries. app/models.py
class Carloan(models.Model) :
# In addition to your model fields add the functions that are part of your LoanCalc
Then create a ModelForm: app/forms.py
class CarLoanForm(forms.ModelForm) :
class Meta:
model = Carloan
Use CarLoanForm the same way you normally would except: app/views.py
if request.POST:
form = CarloanForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
carloan = form.save()
#pass carloan (the instance) to the template and
#call its functions(from LoanCalc) instead of
#passing all of the values separately
Lastly, register this Model so it appears in the admin section app/admin.py
from django.contrib import admin
from app.models import Carloan
2 I have divided the page into two(one for the form and the other for
the result) and i want to pass the result to one-half of the page to
enable the user to see it.
Using the steps above, carloan will be passed to the view. go ahead and render its values.
Refactor index
your index definition should be refactored slightly, or your POST bound form will never make it to the template:
def index(request):
if request.POST:
form = CarloanForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
instance = form.save()
else :
form = CarloanForm()
return render_to_response('carloan/index.html', {'form': form},
Refactor your ModelForm
Carry out some operations on the data (extracted using form.cleaned_data[β]) and I have written some lines of code to that effect; β using a ModelForm instead of a regular django form you will get an instance of the model with the userβs values already filled in, you reference them with instance.field.
and i want to carry out the operations in the code above on the extracted data. β the fields that you plan to calculate values for are listed in exclude they will not factor into form validation.
class CarLoanForm(forms.ModelForm) :
class Meta:
model = Carloan
# exclude fields that are calculated from user input
# NOTE: these fields must be in your model
exclude = ('interest', 'management_fee'...)
Refactor result page
Carry out some operations on the data (extracted using form.cleaned_data[β]) and I have written some lines of code to that effect;
- in results_page under the form.is_valid check, ther is a line:
instance = form.save(commit=False)
this gets all of the values that the user submitted in a instance of the Carloan Model that has NOT been saved yet. - further down:
instance.interest = (instance.interest_rate/100) * instance.amount_of_vehicle *(instance.tenure/12)
in this line I am calculating one of the excluded fields values (this calculation is a copy of your code). - lastly (after all of the operations on the data have been completed) I save the instance of the model.
- then pass the instance to the template for display.
def result_page(request):
if request.POST:
form = CarloanForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
# get an instance from the form but don't save it
instance = form.save(commit=False)
# calculate excluded field values
instance.interest = (instance.interest_rate/100) * instance.amount_of_vehicle *(instance.tenure/12)
# after you have calculated all of the excluded fields save the instance
else :
form = CarloanForm()
return render_to_response('carloan/result.html', {'carloan' : instance, 'form' : form},
reference before error assignment
β What does it say was referenced before assignment? Paste the entire stack trace please.
One of the simpler ways would be to store the data in the session in one view, retrieve it in the next. The docs will help.1
Having said that β there are a few other ways to approach the problem. It has been discussed more than once on SO: