In your command you should find the option definitions which should look like the following:
make_option('-tzsub', dest='tzsub', action='store_true', help='Help description...')
make_option('-e', dest='e', action='store_true', help='Help description...')
Have a look on them and take into account “dest” argument for each one. Assuming you defined dest=’tzsub’ for -tzsub and dest=’e’ for -e (like in the example above), you should call the command in this way:
management.call_command('artifact_db_loader','artefacts', tzsub=True, e=True)
This is the same of calling the command from your console like this:
python manage.py artifact_db_loader artefacts -tzsub -e
Of course if the parameters need any arguments (so you have action=’store’ in the option definition) simply replace the boolean argument with the value you need. For instance:
management.call_command('artifact_db_loader','artefacts', tzsub='wow!', e=7)
This is the same of calling the command in this way:
python manage.py artifact_db_loader artefacts -tzsub "wow!" -e 7