You could use this:
If this was your url:
url(r'(?P<category>[a-z]+)$', 'display', name='dyn_display')
reverse('dyn_display', kwargs={'category': 'first'})
To redirect you can use it like this in your view:
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('dyn_display', kwargs={'category': 'first'}))
If this was your url:
url(r'$', 'display', name='dyn_dysplay')
To redirect you can use it like this in your view:
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('dyn_display'))
To have a view that could receive an optional value you would need 2 urls:
url(r'$', 'display', name='dyn_optional_display')
url(r'(?P<category>[a-z]+)$', 'display', name='dyn_display')
And then your view:
def courses_display(request, category=None):
ctx = {}
if category:
ctx.update({category: 'in'})
return render_to_response('display/basic.html', ctx, context_instance=RequestContext(request))