This might be your issue,
you are passing this object as the post data
{menu_id: item.id}
then you call a non-existing input in your controller $request->input('id')
$menu_id = $request->input('id');
$menu = Menu::find($menu_id);
it should be $request->input('menu_id');
but again, check your logs to see the actual error thrown
also, you should add a validation in your controller to make sure the ID you pass exist in your table
public function store(Request $request) {
'menu_id' => 'required|exists:menus,id'
$menu_id = $request->input('menu_id');
$menu = Menu::find($menu_id);
$cart=new Cart();
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I passed menu_id from post menu.vue but $cart->table gets null value so I got this error : Integrity constraint violation
so for now I give this value directly
public function store(Request $request)
$menu_id = $request->input('menu_id');
$menu = Menu::find($menu_id);
$cart = new Cart();
$cart->menus_id = $menu_id;
$cart->table = 2;
$response = $cart->save();
Thank you guys for helping me 😊