I typecasting the string into unicode string using ‘latin-1’ fixed the error:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf16' codec can't decode byte 0x38 in
position 6: truncated data
Fixed code:
import json
ustr_to_load = unicode(str_to_load, 'latin-1')
And then the error is not thrown.
The OP clarifies (in a comment!)…:
Source data is huge unicode encoded
Then you have to know which of the many unicode encodings it uses — clearly not ‘utf-16’, since that failed, but there are so many others — ‘utf-8’, ‘iso-8859-15’, and so forth. You either try them all until one works, or print repr(str_to_load[:80])
and paste what it shows as an edit of your question, so we can guess on your behalf!-).
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The simplest way I have found is
import simplejson as json
that way your code remains the same
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With django you can use SimpleJSON and use loads instead of just load.
from django.utils import simplejson
simplejson.loads(str_to_load, "utf-8")
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