It was resolved when I used before_save_instance(self, instance, using_transactions, dry_run)
The function can modify the object before passing it to the model.
class ProjectActivityResource(resources.ModelResource):
latitude = Field(attribute='latitude', column_name='latitude')
longitude = Field(attribute='longitude', column_name='longitude')
class Meta:
model = ProjectActivity
fields = ('id', 'project_site', 'name', 'latitude',
'longitude', 'date_updated')
exclude = ('geom')
export_order = ('id', 'project_site', 'name', 'latitude',
'longitude', 'date_updated')
def before_save_instance(self, instance, using_transactions, dry_run):
instance.geom = Point(float(instance.longitude), float(instance.latitude))
return instance
I had some problem, similar to @Nikko. I had a really hard time doing what I wanted, and Nikko pieces of code helped. Iβm not completely satisfied with what Iβve done but it works and maybe it can help some people. Itβs dirty so if someone wants to explain me what would be the right way, Iβm all ears.
This code allows you to import AND export (using django-import-export), from the admin interface, a class containing a PointField (from django-geojson) by storing only the latitude and the longitude in the output file (not the all geojson file).
admin.py :
from leaflet.admin import LeafletGeoAdmin
from import_export import resources
from import_export.fields import Field
from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin
import json
from django.db import models
from djgeojson.fields import PointField
class SleepSpotResource(resources.ModelResource):
latitude = Field(attribute='latitude', column_name='latitude')
longitude = Field(attribute='longitude', column_name='longitude')
class Meta:
model = SleepSpot
fields = ('id','album','title','start_date','end_date','latitude','longitude' )
exclude = ('geom')
export_order = ('id','album','title','start_date','end_date','latitude','longitude' )
def before_save_instance(self, instance, using_transactions, dry_run):
longitude = float(getattr(instance, 'longitude'))
latitude = float(getattr(instance, 'latitude'))
instance.geom = {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [longitude, latitude]}
return instance
def dehydrate_longitude(self, sleepspot):
geomjson = sleepspot.geom
if type(geomjson) is str:
geomjson = json.loads(geomjson.replace("\'", "\""))
return geomjson['coordinates'][0]
def dehydrate_latitude(self, sleepspot):
geomjson = sleepspot.geom
if type(geomjson) is str:
geomjson = json.loads(geomjson.replace("\'", "\""))
return geomjson['coordinates'][1]
class SleepSpotModelAdmin(LeafletGeoAdmin, ImportExportModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'album')
resource_class = SleepSpotResource
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@Friedrich, a PointField has a method coords. I did not test this though.
I would do this:
def dehydrate_longitude(self, sleepspot):
return sleepspot.geom.coords[0]
def dehydrate_longitude(self, sleepspot):
return sleepspot.geom.coords[1]
as long as it is saved as PointField:
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
instance.geom = Point(float(instance.longitude), float(instance.latitude))
instead of a JSON
instance.geom = {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [longitude, latitude]}
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