Parsing error: the keyword ‘import’ is reservedeslint

parsing error: the keyword ‘import’ is reservedeslint

A parsing error occurs in ESLint when the reserved keyword ‘import’ is used in an incorrect context. The ‘import’ keyword is used in ES6 modules to import dependencies from other files or modules. However, ESLint is a tool for static code analysis and it follows a specific set of rules and guidelines. These rules are defined in an ESLint configuration file, such as ‘.eslintrc’ or ‘eslint.config.js’.

When ESLint encounters code that violates these rules, it reports a parsing error. In this case, the code is using the ‘import’ keyword incorrectly.


      import { someFunction } from './someModule';

In this example, the ‘import’ statement is being used in a file where ES6 modules are not supported or enabled. ESLint, by default, assumes that the codebase does not use ES6 modules. Therefore, using the ‘import’ keyword in such a file will result in a parsing error.

To resolve this issue, there are a few possible solutions:

  1. Make sure the codebase supports ES6 modules by configuring the appropriate settings. For example, if you are using a build tool like Webpack or a module bundler like Babel, ensure that ES6 modules are enabled.
  2. If you are not using ES6 modules and your codebase is using a different module system (e.g., CommonJS), you can configure ESLint to recognize and allow the use of the ‘import’ keyword. This can be done by adding the appropriate configuration to your ESLint configuration file.
  3. If you are intentionally using the ‘import’ keyword in a non-module code file, you can disable the specific ESLint rule that is causing the parsing error. This should be done with caution, as disabling rules may lead to other potential issues.

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