Parsing error: the keyword ‘export’ is reserved

Parsing Error: The keyword ‘export’ is reserved

The error message “Parsing Error: The keyword ‘export’ is reserved” occurs when you are trying to use the keyword ‘export’ in an incorrect context. ‘export’ is a reserved keyword in JavaScript that is used to declare modules or export functions, objects, or values from a module.

To better understand this, let’s look at some examples and explain how to resolve this error.

Example 1:

            function exportData() {
                // code to export data


In this example, the function ‘exportData’ is defined and then called. This code will result in the parsing error because ‘export’ is used as a function name, which is not allowed. To fix this error, you need to choose a different function name that is not a reserved keyword.

Example 2:

            export function getData() {
                // code to get data

In this example, the keyword ‘export’ is used to declare a function named ‘getData’ that is intended to be exported from a module. This code will also result in the parsing error because it is placed outside of a module system like CommonJS or ES modules. To use the ‘export’ keyword, you need to ensure that you are working within a module or use a bundler like Webpack or Babel to handle module dependencies.

Resolving the Error:

To resolve the parsing error “The keyword ‘export’ is reserved”, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check if you are using ‘export’ as a function, variable, or constant name. Choose a different name that is not a reserved keyword.
  2. Make sure you are working within a module system when using ‘export’ to export functions, objects, or values, such as ES modules (using the ‘import’ and ‘export’ syntax) or CommonJS (using ‘module.exports’ and ‘require’).
  3. If you want to use ‘export’ without a module system, consider using a bundler like webpack or a transpiler like Babel that can handle module dependencies.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the parsing error related to the reserved keyword ‘export’ and ensure your JavaScript code works as expected.

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