Parsererror: error tokenizing data. c error: buffer overflow caught – possible malformed input file.

Parsing Error: “parsererror: error tokenizing data. c error: buffer overflow caught – possible malformed input file.”

When the parser encounters an error while trying to tokenize or parse some data, it throws a “parsererror”. This specific error message suggests that a buffer overflow has been caught, which indicates that the input file being processed might be malformed or containing unexpected large data.

To better understand this error, let’s look at an example:

Suppose we have a JSON file that we are trying to parse:

      "name": "John",
      "age": 30,
      "city": "New York"
      // Missing closing bracket for the object

In this case, the missing closing bracket for the JSON object will cause a parsererror when the file is being parsed. The error message will indicate that the JSON data could not be successfully tokenized due to a possible buffer overflow.

This error typically occurs when the input file is not formatted correctly based on the expected syntax rules. It could be caused by missing or mismatched delimiters, invalid characters, or exceeding memory limits for data storage.

To fix this error, you should carefully review the input file and ensure it adheres to the correct syntax for the data format being used (e.g., JSON, XML, etc.). Correct any missing or mismatched delimiters and make sure the file does not contain any invalid or unexpected characters.

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