This issue “module ‘fluttertoast’ not found” occurs when the Flutter compiler is unable to find the required module ‘fluttertoast’ in your project. This usually happens when the module is not installed or imported correctly.
To resolve this issue, you need to follow these steps:
- Ensure that the ‘fluttertoast’ package is listed in your project’s dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file.
- Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project’s root directory.
- Run the command
flutter pub get
to fetch the required package and update your project. - If the package is already listed in the pubspec.yaml file and you have already run
flutter pub get
, then the issue might be with incorrect import or missing initialization. -
To check for incorrect import:
- Make sure that the import statement in your Dart file is correctly referring to the ‘fluttertoast’ package.
- If you are importing the package but still facing the issue, try running the command
flutter clean
to clear the build cache.
To check for missing initialization:
- Verify that you are initializing the ‘fluttertoast’ module correctly in your code.
- Make sure you are calling the necessary initialization methods, as specified in the ‘fluttertoast’ package documentation or example code.
Here’s an example of how the pubspec.yaml file should look when ‘fluttertoast’ package is included in dependencies:
sdk: flutter
fluttertoast: ^7.1.1
After following these steps, try rebuilding your project and the issue should be resolved. If the issue still persists, you may need to seek further assistance from the Flutter community or package maintainers.
Example of a “pubspec.yaml” file:
sdk: flutter
fluttertoast: ^7.1.1
Remember to modify the version number based on the latest version available.