Parameter 0 of constructor required a bean

When the query parameter of constructor is set to 0, it means that the constructor requires a bean to be passed as an argument. In other words, the constructor requires an object of a specific class to be provided during the instantiation of that class.

Let’s say we have a class called “ExampleClass” with a constructor that expects an object of type “BeanClass” as a parameter:

      public class ExampleClass {
          private BeanClass bean;

          public ExampleClass(BeanClass bean) {
              this.bean = bean;

      public class BeanClass {
          // BeanClass implementation goes here

In the example above, the constructor of “ExampleClass” requires an object of type “BeanClass” to be passed as an argument. If we create an instance of “ExampleClass” without providing a bean, we will encounter the error message you mentioned: “parameter 0 of constructor required a bean”.

To fix this error, we need to create an instance of “BeanClass” and pass it to the constructor of “ExampleClass”. Here’s how we can do that:

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          // Create an instance of BeanClass
          BeanClass bean = new BeanClass();

          // Create an instance of ExampleClass by passing the bean as an argument
          ExampleClass example = new ExampleClass(bean);

          // Use the newly created example object

In the above code snippet, we create an instance of “BeanClass” and then pass it to the constructor of “ExampleClass”. This ensures that the required bean is provided to the constructor, and we won’t encounter the error anymore.

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