[Django]-Overriding the save method in Django ModelForm



In your save you have to have the argument commit. If anything overrides your form, or wants to modify what it’s saving, it will do save(commit=False), modify the output, and then save it itself.

Also, your ModelForm should return the model it’s saving. Usually a ModelForm’s save will look something like:

def save(self, commit=True):
    m = super(CallResultTypeForm, self).save(commit=False)
    # do custom stuff
    if commit:
    return m

Read up on the save method.

Finally, a lot of this ModelForm won’t work just because of the way you are accessing things. Instead of self.callResult, you need to use self.fields['callResult'].

UPDATE: In response to your answer:

Aside: Why not just use ManyToManyFields in the Model so you don’t have to do this? Seems like you’re storing redundant data and making more work for yourself (and me :P).

from django.db.models import AutoField  
def copy_model_instance(obj):  
    Create a copy of a model instance. 
    M2M relationships are currently not handled, i.e. they are not copied. (Fortunately, you don't have any in this case)
    See also Django #4027. From http://blog.elsdoerfer.name/2008/09/09/making-a-copy-of-a-model-instance/
    initial = dict([(f.name, getattr(obj, f.name)) for f in obj._meta.fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField) and not f in obj._meta.parents.values()])  
    return obj.__class__(**initial)  

class CallResultTypeForm(ModelForm):
    callResult = ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=CallResult.objects.all())
    campaign = ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Campaign.objects.all())
    callType = ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=CallType.objects.all())

    def save(self, commit=True, *args, **kwargs):
        m = super(CallResultTypeForm, self).save(commit=False, *args, **kwargs)
        results = []
        for cr in self.callResult:
            for c in self.campain:
                for ct in self.callType:
                    m_new = copy_model_instance(m)
                    m_new.callResult = cr
                    m_new.campaign = c
                    m_new.calltype = ct
                    if commit:
         return results

This allows for inheritance of CallResultTypeForm, just in case that’s ever necessary.

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