You can use template hierarchy like:
... {% block content %} ... {% block mycontent %}My custom text{% endblock %} ... {% endblock %}
... {% block mycontent %}{% endblock %} ..
I have done this by modifying the admin/index.html
template. You may also need to modify admin/base_site.html
(depending on what you want to do, exactly).
These templates are found in the django/contrib/admin/templates/admin
folder in a Django installation.
Update: That’s exactly what I’ve done, see the screenshot fragment below. The section marked in red is the section I added, via HTML in admin/index.html
. However, you don’t say which version of Django you’re using – my example is from a 1.0 installation.
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According to http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/#overriding-vs-replacing-an-admin-template you will want to override admin/app_index.html