[Answered ]-Output the values of the variables of django rest framework


These are the ways with which you can easily debug in Django :

  • Simple print statements while the django development server is running. A simple print statement will output the variable verbatim on your terminal. This is the easiest way to get your problem sorted (well, it’s not the ideal way and is only good if you need to debug less often), Sometimes, you would also feel need to prettify your console output for which you can always use Data Pretty Printer pprint documentation

  • Django also leverages django-debug-toolbar. According to me, this will qualify as the ideal way to debug Django applications. Here is the documentation for the same.

  • Now, since you have DRF already installed and are already working with it, you must be familiar that django-rest-framework APIView is the base class for all the Browsable APIs on the DRF Docs page. You can also visit the API page (URL is configurable) and can simulate API calls from the panel. You can debug through this by returning values that you want to debug as Response data for specific API.


Try to use debug tool bar




Have you tried visiting your API urls in the browser? DRF provides a Browseable API so you can see lists and object details in the browser.


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